This morning we left the hotel and rode on the bus for about an hour to meet our local guide.  We hiked on a trail and up and down steps to learn about the tombs.  The first people that discovered them stole anything of value in them, but luckily, they didn’t find all of the tombs.  Some of the items are on display in a couple of the larger museums in Italy.
We next went to the town of Pitigliano where lots of Jewish people lived.  Now there are only three Jewish people living there.  During World War II many residents in the town hid the Jewish people from the Nazi’s, so that no Jew was captured.  A famous cyclist used his status to get papers for many of them.  Because of his bravery, they recently started the Giro D’italia bike race in Israel.
Restaurant where we sat on the patio left of the umbrellas to eat our delicious lunch of salad, lasagna with zucchini and a white (béchamel?) sauce, wine, and dessert of ricotta with caramel sauce