Saturday, September 1 ~ Tétouan

We drove to Tétouan this morning.  Mohammed’s sister lives here, so we went to her house to visit with her family.  One of the sons is a baker and brought fancy Moroccan cookies for us to enjoy with our tea.  He will open a bakery in their garage in a few days.  The whole family helped him buy the commercial baking equipment.

We drove to the city next and walked among the vendors of the weekly Saturday flea market along the narrow city streets.  We encountered a tailor who makes and decorates the traditional dress for men.  It takes him three or four days to complete a garment.  People bring the fabric to him and he completes the garment in 2-3 days for about $10 a day.  Mohammed was wearing one today.

After walking past the palace and through the Jewish quarter, we rode the bus to a restaurant where we ate two kinds of fish, shrimp, calamari, veggies, rice, and creme brûlée.  

After our late lunch, we walked across the road from the restaurant to experience the local Mediterranean beach.

Then we drove through the scenic mountains.

Along the way, we noticed some of the illegally planted light green cannabis crops in this region.

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