Monday, September 10, 2018 ~ Camel Ride, Date Farm, Musical Performance, Fossils

We rode camels on the Sahara this morning.  The temperature was pleasant when we rode them at 9:39 this morning.

We visited a farmer who had 100 date palms.  He showed us how he hand pollinated each branch.   We also saw how he irrigated them.  Then he climbed up one of the trees.  He is very agile at 64 years old.

This is date harvesting time.

We went to Kahmlia where we heard a group play percussion and sing some Moroccan songs.  It reminded me of the times I played Afro-Cuban rhythms in drum circles.

Our tent at the OAT tented camp where we stayed two nights.

New OAT Sahara Camp opened this summer – dining tent and meeting tent

Some of the sleeping tents

Sahara sunset that I saw on the second night

My henna tattoo against the Sahara sand during the sunset

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