Friday, August 2, 2019 ~ Learning About the Sami

Shortly after we left the hotel this morning, we climbed up over 400 steps to see some huge boulders.  One is called Bear Cave.
There were several huge boulders at the top of the wooden steps.  Bear Cave was under a boulder a few steps above this boulder.
Our next stop was Siida Museum.  There were beautiful displays and pictures showing the history and lifestyle of the Sami, the indigenous people of Lapland, Finland.  This is an authentic drum used by the Sami.  We also had lunch at the museum.  Reindeer pasta was on the menu.
We next went to the Reindeer Farm.  These Sami people are wearing traditional costumes.
We got to feed the reindeer then watch them eat in their troughs.  After this, we walked to a traditional house where we were served tea, coffee, and cookies. 

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