Chinese Hat & Rabida Islands ~ Sunday, July 20, 2014

After a breakfast which included pancakes, fruit, and crispy bacon, we went in the pangas out to Chinese Hat Island. It is an extinct volcano, so it was difficult walking on the dried lava. We saw a couple of penguins swimming, and there were lots of crabs and iguana on this island.

Then we went back to the boat and got into our snorkeling gear. We snorkeled by the same island. I felt excited when I swam with a school of sturgeon. Then we saw a shark and a stingray. I found it difficult climbing back into the panga, so I pretty much fell into it once I had been pulled over the side. Then we went back to the ship for lunch.

I have been tired all day, so I decided not to snorkel when we reached island. I went to shore in the panga and enjoyed sitting on the red sand. I watched the snorkelers and the birds. Our group didn’t stay very long because conditions weren’t right to see much. Near sunset we hiked on the island. We saw a hawk sitting next to the path, and Juan showed us how to walk by it without startling the bird. One at a time we each passed by the hawk. He stayed where he was! We then continued to hike around the island.

We later had a pleasant dinner sitting with our interesting new friends from New York, Fran and Paul. After dinner we chatted until bedtime.

20140726-114358.jpg. Juan, our Galapagos guide


20140726-114849.jpg. Penguin

20140726-115138.jpg. Sally Lightfoot Crabs

20140726-115419.jpg. Group photo

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