Baltra and Santa Cruz Islands ~ Monday, July 21, 2014

We left the ship in pangas at 6:00 A.M. to paddle in some inlets around Baltra at low tide. We spotted quite a few green sea turtles popping their heads up out of the water only to quickly disappear again. It was very peaceful quietly watching for birds and other wildlife. We returned to the ship in an hour. Our breakfast was French Toast, fruit, and yoghurt.

The ship then got in line to refuel close to the airport on Baltra . We stayed aboard and relaxed for about two hours. During this time, Juan wanted to see Cha-Cha-Cha, so I went to my cabin to get her. She talked informally with Juan and the others in the group who were in the lounge relaxing. Juan wanted to learn how to do vent, so I worked with him a bit to show him the basics. His wife does birthday parties as a clown, so maybe she will add vent to her act.

We had another tasty lunch of chicken, salad, and mixed fresh veggies. Then we went to the other side of Santa Cruz island to see the flamingos in the lagoon. Then we walked around the island looking at large yellow marine iguanas. They are bigger here because food is plentiful. We saw some Blue-footed Boobies and mockingbirds too. Juan made sounds like a mockingbird and it came to us hoping for food. Sailors long ago fed them, so even now they are hopeful we will feed them. We don’t, though.

We came back to the boat, and it motored for two hours. We stopped for dinner. Later it will motor another four hours to our next island.

20140726-112711.jpg. Sunrise



20140726-113201.jpg. Sea turtle



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