Saturday, February 11, 2017 ~ Train to Jhansi and Overland to Khajuraho

We left our hotel at 7:00 A.M. to catch a train. Outside the train station we passed a lot of beggars who had lost arms and legs. We saw a man with grotesque feet caused by elephantitis. Even though the government will supply money to these handicapped people, they continue to beg for money from the tourists. I found it very difficult seeing these street people and imagining the pain they must be going through.

The train arrived on time, and we quickly boarded it with our carry-on luggage. Porters put our large bags on the train in a separate car. I enjoyed watching the scenery from my window seat. 

We disembarked the train 2 1/2 hours later at Jhansi.  We ate lunch at a hotel dining room which was fairly close to the train station.  Then we began our 5-hour bus ride to Khajuraho. Hugo, one of our fellow travelers, had arranged for me to give him a ventriloquism lesson on the bus today, so I taught him the basic sound substitutions. Now he has to practice using his new skill.

Our lunch stop was at the beginning of the drive at a hotel.  I really like riding the bus through the countryside and seeing the scenery and local people.  As we went along, we stopped a few times as Ranvir pointed out unusual things to us. Some of the houses had cow patty roofs. There were some gypsies camped beside the road. A couple of us got off the bus to walk into a field where a family was making clay bricks.  

We finally reached our destination and checked into the hotel. We ate a buffet dinner at the hotel.

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